Adding service checklists to your online booking system

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As part of our December 2021 release, we have revamped how service checklists work within VGM and the embeddable online booking system. This feature is only available to those using our latest booking system (shown below). 

If you are using one of our older booking systems, get in touch to migrate you across as this is a free upgrade.

Configuring a service checklist

You can now have a different service checklist for each slot type group containing service slot types. Service checklists are a great way to allow your customers to compare the different service options available. 

To create a new checklist, navigate to Config > Vehicle Checklists > Checklist Templates. From this grid, click the new button.

From this screen, you’ll be able to start building up your checklist. Give it a name and add a description and the estimated hours optionally. Once this is done, navigate to the template items tab. You will first want to create top-level groups for your items (e.g. Under Bonnet Checks). You can then add individual items to the groups by selecting the group name and clicking Add Item. Once you’ve added all of the possible items to the checklist, click save.

Next, we’ll need to navigate to the slot type group that we want to link to this checklist. Navigate to config > slots > slot type groups. Each checklist can only be linked to one slot type group.

Double click the slot type group and select your newly created checklist next to the checklist. Click save, and this will now create a link to that checklist.

We need to select which service types check each item in the checklist. So navigate to config > slots > slot types. Find the first service in the slot type group you just linked the checklist to, and double click it to open the edit slot type window.

Within that window, if you navigate to web > checklist templates, you’ll now have a list of all the groups and items, and you can select which items are included using the checkboxes to the left.

Repeat this process for each service type.

Viewing it as part of the booking system

Once you have configured the checklist, there will be a link next to that slot type group within your booking system, which will launch a complete comparison checklist.

Note: If you don’t see this, get in touch as you may be using a legacy booking system.