Print sales documents with a different template

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Sometimes you may wish to print a sales document with a different template than the one specified in your financial settings (for instance, if you wish to print a customer copy of a jobsheet that displays different information to your internal copies).

To do this, you must first open the sales document by doing the following:


Click on the “Jobsheets” button in the top menu to open the Jobsheets grid. Double-click on any jobsheet in the grid to open it, or click on “New” to create a new jobsheet.

Quotations, Sales Credits and Sales Invoices

Click on “Financial” in the top menu, then on “Sales Invoices”. Double-click on a document in the grid to open it, or click on “New” and then the document type to create a new document.

To print any of these documents with an alternative template, click on the “Print Templates” button in the bottom-left of the document window. This will open the “Print Other Document Template” window.

Select the template you wish to use from the drop-down box provided, and then click on the “Print” button to print the document.