Moving a booking in the booking diary

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This article explains how to move a booking to a different time (or date) in the diary. Bookings can be moved either to an existing unoccupied time slot, or to a new time altogether.

Move a Booking into an existing slot

To move a booking to an existing time slot, first select the booking and click on “Hold” in the bottom toolbar to ‘pick up’ the booking.

Use the calendar in the top-right to select the new date for this booking, and then click on the unoccupied time slot you wish to move your booking to. Click on the “Move” option in the bottom toolbar to move your booking into this empty slot.

Move a Booking without an existing slot

To move a booking to new (inserted) time slot, first select the booking and click on “Hold” in the bottom toolbar to ‘pick up’ the booking.

Use the calendar in the top-right to select the new date for this booking. Without selecting a new target slot, click on the “Move” button in the bottom toolbar. This will open the “Move Booking” window, which allows you to select a new time for your booking.

Select a new time for your booking, and click on the “Move” button. This will insert a new slot at the time selected, and move the held booking into it.