Finding and merging duplicate customers

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Finding duplicate customers

To find duplicate customers, first click on “Search” in the top left, and then “Customers” in the options that appear. This will bring up your customer database.

To begin searching for duplicates, click on the “Duplicates” button in the toolbar. This will open the “Find Duplicates” window.

Use the dropdown box at the top of the window to select the duplicate criteria you wish to search by. The grid below will display a summary of customers that match on that data – for example if you select “Email” as a match type, then every customer with the same email address will be counted and displayed here.

Merging duplicate customers

To merge a duplicate customer, find the customer in the “Find Duplicates” window and either double-click it to open the “Customer Duplicates” window, or single-click the row and click on the “Merge” button in the top toolbar.

The “Customer Duplicates” window will show you a summary of every customer included within that duplicate set. Each of these customers will have the same data in the duplicate field you chose in the “Find Duplicates” window, however they may contain conflicting information in the other fields.

For each customer you wish to merge, tick the “Merge” checkbox on the left-hand side. Make sure you only tick customers you wish to be merged, excluding records that belong to different customers. When you have two or more rows ticked, click on the “Merge Customers” button at the bottom of the window to begin merging those customers together.

This window allows you to decide which data you would like to retain in the final merged customer. You can use data from the customers you are merging by selecting it from the drop-down boxes, or free-type new information into the fields provided. The “Automated Messages” selection boxes will display a number next to each option, telling you how many of the merged customers currently use each option.

Once you are happy with the selected values, click on the “Save” button to merge the selected customers. Click “Continue” to confirm your choice, and the merge will be actioned.