Create a sales document message template

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You can set up a new Sales Document Message Template in the “Add / Edit Message Template” window.

To do this, navigate to “Messaging” in the top menu, and then click on “Message Templates” in the drop-down that appears. Click on the “New” button in the toolbar at the top to begin creating a new message template.

Enter a description and select your desired send mode – in this case, we’ll be selecting SMS, however you can choose from any of the send modes available in the dropdown. Select the “Sales Document” message type from the Message Type dropdown, and then click on the “Content” tab to start writing your message.

Enter your message into the text box provided. You can use the “Insert Tag” dropdown at the top to add merge tags to your message – these tags will be replaced with data from your VGM system, and can be used to personalise messages with information like a customer’s name or vehicle registration.

You can preview your message with the “Preview” button in the bottom-right. Once you’re happy with it, you can switch to the “Delivery” tab to set the delivery offset for your message.

The delivery offset tells VGM how long after an invoice is posted that it should send this message. In this example I’ve set this offset to 1 day, which means that the message will be scheduled to send one day after the invoice is posted.

The “Send Automatically” checkbox on this screen determines whether the message will require manual processing before it is sent. If this checkbox is ticked, the message will send automatically without any further manual input required. Otherwise, the message will need to be processed in the “Reminders” section once it is due to be delivered.

To finish creating your new Sales Document Message template, click on “Save” in the bottom-right corner of the window.